Installing an older version of a Homebrew package is a pain.
The simplest way I found to install is to grab a URL from Github for a specific version and install that via brew install
The problem was that when I wanted to find the URL for a specific version, Github always just timed out.
To overcome this problem, I just checked out the repo locally and looked up the history that way. This was a good enough reason for me to make a project out of this, so I decided to index the whole thing and put a UI in front of it.
Fun fact: only after completing the project I realised there is an other way of getting to a specific version of a package.
)brew install URL
For example if you want to install version 5.6.2 of zsh
brew install
This technique will only work, if the version you want to install is not an ancient one. The reason for that is because each version of a package is installed by executing a Ruby script. As Homebrew's core evolves, so does the version installer scripts. If you try to install a too old version, the Ruby script might no longer be valid in the newer world of Homebrew core.
If you already have the package installed on a different version, you will need to unlink it first: brew unlink zsh
and then you need to switch to the new version: brew switch zsh 5.6.2
Index last updated at Homebrew/homebrew-core@4050d7c